I see that you are keen to improve your leadership and managements skills and demonstrate your ambition!

MAW Education has achieved CPD accreditation, and the Teaching Skills course has been reviewed by the CPDSO assessment team so that delegates can earn formal CPD points when they complete the three-module programme. You have just two more lessons to complete before we can award you the much-valued Standards Office CPD certificate!

The CPD Standards Office is part of the Professional Development Consortium and is an organisation that offers accreditation for formal training and learning activities alongside running continuous research into new and better ways of doing CPD. The aim of the CPD Standards Office is to ensure that the CPD provision on offer to professionals across ever sector is varied, engaging and effective. ***** MAW Education has achieved CPD accreditation and their Teaching Skills course has been reviewed by the CPDSO assessment team so that delegates can earn formal CPD points when they complete the programme. ***** CPD is important for any professional, some sectors are governed by a Professional Body or Regulator each of which have a CPD policy that their members must adhere to. Regulated professionals need to maintain their CPD record in order to continue to practice and this can be measured by the number of CPD hours (or points) a professional undertakes, or else in an outcomes based way. This means that individuals must self-prescribe learning they feel they need, and then reflect on how it has helped them to improve in their role. ***** If you don’t have a formal CPD record to keep, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep a personal one. ***** Our research has shown that a CPD section on a CV can greatly improve employability prospects (The CPD Research Project 2010). Undertaking and recording formal CPD is a great way to demonstrate to your current or prospective employer that you work hard to keep up to date.

Module 3: The Leadership Team and Parents

A shared Vision for the School; The Leadership Team's responsibilities; Parents as Partners

  • Leadership and Management

    A shared Vision for the School; The Leadership Team's responsibilities; Professional Development (CPD); The School Development Plan; Performance Management; School Improvement.

  • Partnership with Parents and the Community

    Child development; Working with parents and the community; Special educational needs; Higher order thinking skills; Recap. on whole course.

  • Resources

    Where to find more about Multiple Intelligences , Teaching and Learning.

  • Tuition Fees

    This module is for teachers planning to join senior leadership teams. The cost of this three-module course covers tuition fees, as your work is personally marked, feedback is given via email, and you receive a CPDSO accredited certificate on completion. If you prefer just to complete the course on your own, the cost averages out as under $10 per lesson, but your work is not marked and no feedback is given. However, you do receive a MAW Education certificate on completing Lesson 10. This alternative course can be found at http://multiple-intelligences.com/courses-overview .

  • Testimonials

    1) Module 3: I gained a clear distinction between management and leadership in schools. Much emphasis is on the importance of professional development and how should the school team work towards a multiple intelligences school, and how to develop a parent-school partnership. Regards, Nadjet

Course curriculum - Module 3

An Introduction to leadership, management and links with home and community - Learning Objectives: To know the difference between leadership and management; To have knowledge of child development; To understand the responsibilities of senior staff; To be able to write a school development plan.

  1. 1
    • Introduction to 'Improving Teaching Skills' Course

    • Please complete this survey before you begin...

    • Module 3: Milestones - what you need to achieve

  2. 2
    • Lesson 9: The Leadership Team

    • Assessment Questions: The Leadership Team

  3. 3
    • Lesson 10: Parents as Partners

    • Assessment Questions: Parents as Partners

  4. 4
    • Congratulations! Before your go, here are links to related resources.

    • Please complete this final survey. It will help us to improve this and future courses. Thank you.

Module 3: An Introduction to Leadership

You may be a teacher who is about to take on a management role, and you want to know a little more about leadership and management. Completing Module 3 would be helpful to you, as it will help you think through what some of your responsibilities will be. So, only completing this module is fine! But the best way to understand this module is to start with the Foundation Unit, Module 1, and either work through all ten lessons, or complete Modules 1 and 3. Whatever you choose, I am here to help you and mark your answers to the questions that follow each lesson. I look forward to being your tutor.

Guarantee and Special Offer

Module 1, the Foundation Unit, is offered free, so that you have a good foundation for understanding Modules 2 and 3. Modules 1 and 2 are based on very successful workshops run by Margaret Warner for teachers in India and Algeria, so we expect the same success for you. Margaret brings her own experience of leadership and management in a variety of fields to Module 3. If, within 30 days of signing up for this module, you feel that it is not for you, there is a full money-back guarantee. Any requests or complaints should be send to [email protected].