Richard McMunn Shows You How to Achieve Expert Status!

  • In 2005 Richard McMunn made his first entry into the online world with his 'Howtobecome' series of online career books to help job seekers get employment. From ‘nobody’ status- Richard was recognised as an expert in this niche and went on to reach the finals of the HSBC start up stars awards. More recently Richard has: • Become a finalist at the national independent publishers’ guild awards • Sold thousands of books online offline • And become a number one best-selling author 117 times. These days Richard helps people just like you, new to business opportunities, achieve expert status in their industries.

  • The Importance of Trust

    Rick McMunn emphasises the importance of trust in business and of 'doing a good job' for your customers.

  • Broadcasting why you are an 'Expert'

    Rick McMunn defines an 'Expert' and considers the importance of saying who you are and what you do. he refers you to various websites.

  • Branding - what message do you give?

    Rick McMunn talks about Branding and what message it coveys. He talks you through Webinars and Outsourcing.

  • Launching Your Book

    Rick McMunn takes you through how to launch your book, how to run Events and how to become a best selling author.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Rick McMunn - How To Become An Expert In Your Niche pt 1

    • Rick McMunn - How To Become An Expert In Your Niche pt 2

    • Rick McMunn - How To Become An Expert In Your Niche pt 3

    • Rick McMunn - How To Become An Expert In Your Niche pt 4

These are some of the skills you will learn.

How to build trust as an expert. How to 'tell your story' so people know who you are. How to brand your business and create webinars. How to outsource what you are not good at, and concentrate on what you are good at. How to launch your book and become a best selling author. and concentrate on what you are good at.